Roblox IQ Test Answers
Here are the answers to all 200 floors of Roblox’s IQ Test.
Fancy proving to all your block-shaped friends that you’re a genius in Roblox? Well, that’s exactly what the Roblox IQ Test from Cranky Games is for, tasking players with navigating various obstacle courses, mathematical equations, and more, to test their smarts.
This IQ Test spans 200 floors and becomes progressively more difficult, but fortunately, you’ve plenty of time to warm up before this test troubles you. That said, if you find yourself stuck on one of its many puzzles or sums, we’ve outlined all of the Roblox IQ Test answers below.
Roblox IQ Test Answers
The Roblox IQ Test consists of 200 Floors, all of which have a different question or challenge for you to solve. As you advance through the floors, you will gain one IQ for every question or challenge you complete successfully, until you eventually wind up with — with the help of your chosen robot friend and our guide — 200 IQ.
It’s only once you’ve proved your genius that the mysterious scientist who’s kidnapped you for this IQ Test will finally let you leave and see your parents… so let’s get to it.
We’ve listed the answers for each floor of the Roblox IQ Test in the below table!
Floor: | Answer: |
1 | Touch the green button. |
2 | Touch the green button by jumping into the red square. |
3 | Carefully jump over the four red bars. |
4 | Click the blue button. |
5 | Find your way out of the maze. |
6 | The code, 5921, is on the back of the signpost. |
7 | Squeeze through the gap in the wall. |
8 | Click the button and jump into the hole, avoiding the red bars throughout it. |
9 | Following the pattern, the code is 4444. |
10 | Using the coloured blocks on the wall, the code is 5720. |
11 | Jump over the red squares diagonally. |
12 | Push the crate over to the square gap in the right-hand wall and press the green button. |
13 | Move the two crates into the gap in the ramp and press the green button. |
14 | Walk along the blue bar carefully. |
15 | Spam jump while moving forwards to eventually reach and press the green button. |
16 | Count how many purple cylinders there are. The code is 9. |
17 | Follow the winding path. |
18 | Push the crate over to the square gap on the left-hand side of the room. Press the green button. Move the crate again onto the yellow weight platform in the following room. |
19 | Add all the numbers on the floor. The code is 17. |
20 | Use the code 3309 on the upside-down keypad. |
21 | The code, 2299, is on the back of the signpost again. |
22 | Follow the grey path that is shown inside the glass box, but on the opposite side of the room. |
23 | Jump over the red bars. |
24 | The code, 31, is the number of studs on the ground. |
25 | Press all three green buttons around the room without falling into the lava. |
26 | The code, 0000, is the opposite of ‘hard’ as the NPC suggests. |
27 | Walk on top of the grey ball, to your left, to reach and press the green button. |
28 | The code, 1410, is on the keypad. |
29 | Count how many triangles and cylinders there are. The code is 3. |
30 | Push the ball onto the metal beam. Use it to reach and press the green button. |
31 | Pull the 1st, 3rd, and 5th levers. |
32 | Press the green button and then solve the random math questions. |
33 | Go through the door that answers the question shown on the wall above it: 95, 22, 12/10/2022, John, Sam, We’re very nice people. The code to the following door is the first answer we came to, 95. |
34 | Put the coloured balls into the boxes of the same colour in the corners of the room. |
35 | Add up the numbers shown on the signpost to get the code: 55. |
36 | Click the blue button below each fruit picture, and match the fruit to its colour. Grape = purple, pear = green, banana = yellow, and apple = red. |
37 | Push the crate over to the hole in the ceiling on the right-hand side of the room. Go through the vent and press the green button. |
38 | Jump across the stepping stones without falling. |
39 | Click the one house emoji that doesn’t match the rest. It is the house in the lower right-hand corner, to the left of the cornermost emoji |
40 | Each colour of the rainbow corresponds with a number; red being 1, orange being 2, yellow being 3 and so forth. The code is 1546. |
41 | Carefully go past the red bars, Use the crates on the left-hand side to access a vent. Avoid the moving red bars in the following room to reach and press a green button, which reveals the code: 5672. |
42 | Jump to press the green button. Avoid the red wall until the 45 second timer is over. |
43 | Match all the cards on the floor with one another before the 30 second timer is over. |
44 | Look at the image on the left-hand wall from afar; the code, 8076, is revealed. |
45 | Solve the sums on the wall to reveal a code. Apple = 5, banana = 3, coconut = 2. The code is 30. |
46 | Look around the room to find digits of the code on the pillars and blocks. The code is 1823. |
47 | Look at the blocks on the left-hand side of the room from afar to see which number each one forms. The crosses on the floor then tell you the order of the code, which is 2569. |
48 | Press the green button in the painting behind the television. |
49 | Climb up the assault course in the following room to reach and press the green button.s |
50 | Each frame here has a number or math sum hidden inside of it. Find and solve them to reveal the code, which is 1625. |
51 | The code is upside down on the signpost: 2796. |
52 | The code is made up of the number that corresponds with the months shown on the wall, for example, August = 8. The code is 8259. |
53 | Pull the sword and defeat the zombies. |
54 | The code is shown on the signpost, but the hint on the wall advises the numbers have been swapped. The code is 5426. |
55 | The numbers shown on the wall have been multiplied by 2, and had 2 subtracted. For example, 7x2=14, 14-2=12. This means our code is 10x2=20, 20-2=18. |
56 | Climb the invisible ladder in the left-hand corner of the room, closest to the entrance. Press the green button. |
57 | Input the code, 2239, into the correct keypad. It is on the bottom row of the left-hand wall, third from the right. |
58 | Press the green button and then solve the random math questions |
59 | Click the button and jump into the hole, avoiding the red bars throughout it. |
60 | Choose items that correspond with each riddle: Mirror, Compass, Guitar. |
61 | To the left of the entrance, there is a dark grey bar in the corner that your character can squeeze through to find a signpost revealing the code: 3240. You then need to find the keypad numbers around the room to input the code. |
62 | Angle yourself against the wall the signpost is on and fiddle with the camera to see the code, which is 1527. |
63 | Walk through the glass doors in the correct order. The NPC’s hint — ‘Apple, Lime, Banana, and Grape’ — reveals that we should go through red, green, yellow, and purple glass doors. |
64 | The code is in braille on the wall. Use the poster beside it to decipher the code, which is 9418. |
65 | Move the crates to find the code, 3944, on the floor. |
66 | The code is the number of studs inside of the cube, which is 125. |
67 | Use the paint and jumping to recreate the picture of the burger that is on the wall. |
68 | Solve the sum on the signpost to reveal the code, which is 6719. |
69 | Find and click on all six of the colourful shapes around the room. |
70 | The code corresponds with how many letters long each word on the wall is, making it 3645. |
71 | Click the dirt blocks in the room to mine them. The code is hidden among them: 3056. |
72 | Input the code, 1655, into the blank keypad. |
73 | The code requires you to count how many items are in the room. The first digit is the number of trees, the second is the number of noobs (NPCs character), and the third is the number of bushes PLUS benches. Your code is 8138. |
74 | Choose the items that match with the riddles; Candle, Clock, and Book. |
75 | The numbers shown on the wall have had their first two digits and last two digits added together. For example, 35+25=60. This means our code is 50+50=100. |
76 | Navigate the invisible maze. Start by going right of the signpost! |
77 | Stand on the coloured squares in the order written on the wall to reveal the code: 6038. |
78 | The code is made up of four symbols. Find the number that these symbols appear alongside on a keyboard, using your own or the keyboards shown around the room. The code is 2578. |
79 | The code is the time shown on the clocks in the room. Look for the two clocks with hands to identify the hour and minute, which is 11:25, making our code 1125. |
80 | Look inside the bottom of the drinks in the ‘Noob Juice’ stand to reveal the code of 1902. |
81 | Go through the invisible maze to reach and press the green button. |
82 | Look at the emoji on the wall and click the odd one out. It is to the left of the door you entered the room via. |
83 | Move the crate up the ramp and under the ball, then push the ball so that it presses the green button. |
84 | Start from the top of the right-most staircase and walk left, looking down at the black numbers painted on the stairs. The code is 1603. |
85 | Stand on the green button and use the blue button to count how many noobs (NPCs) fall into the lava. The answer is 27. |
86 | The code, 1906, is on the signpost at the very beginning of the floor. Climb up the stairs, go down the slide, and input the code. |
87 | Identify the missing numbers on the wall based on the pattern, then complete the sum on the floor to get the code. A = 63 , B = 35, C = 1. The code is 97. |
88 | The code is the length of the wall in studs. Count the studs on the wall and attempt to fill in the gaps. The code is 50. |
89 | Find the code in the room. It is inside the container holding the Fire Extinguisher: 9783. |
90 | The code is beneath the bridge between the two red pools. It is 1940. |
91 | Jump across the blocks and follow the arrows to reach a signpost saying ‘The code is drawn out in the path you took.’ The code is 5752. |
92 | Parkour across the platforms, avoiding the lava. |
93 | Jump up to press the green button and avoid the red bars on the floor until the timer is complete. |
94 | Starting with the green wall, count how many shapes appear on each wall to reveal the code: 9654. |
95 | Look for four numbers around the room: 6 flashes on the TV, and 7 is on one of the pillars. There’s also ‘95’ above the door. Put these together to get our code: 6795. |
96 | Stand on the green button and follow the path as it lights up. |
97 | Parkour across the platforms, jumping over the red bars. |
98 | Using the four numbers on the wall and the four hints, you need to get our actual code. Funnily enough, the code is literally just the four numbers on the wall in that order: 3456. |
99 | Carefully parkour around the room and stand on the yellow buttons to reveal one digit of the code at a time on the wall. The code is 7684. |
100 | Use the paint along the left-hand wall to recreate the painting of the cat shown on the right-hand wall. |
101 | Use the code on the signpost to find four numbers in the table on the floor. The code is 2938. |
102 | Count how many studs are along the left-hand wall: 3196. |
103 | Follow the black path on the ceiling to reach and press the green button. |
104 | Look carefully at the keypad, and input the numbers that are the brightest shade of green first: 2964. |
105 | Parkour up the boxes in the room to find and press the green button, which is inside the stack of three boxes. |
106 | The numbers shown on the wall in this room are shown backwards. So, our code is 6303 but reverse: 3036. |
107 | Add all the numbers found in the maze to reveal the code: 33. |
108 | Find the odd one out of the emojis. It’s on the ceiling, to the left of the signpost., looking angry. |
109 | Use the mobile phone to spell out ‘CODE’ on the keypad, and note down the numbers needed to do that: 2633. |
110 | Pull the first, third, and sixth levers. |
111 | Press the green button and stand on the target on the floor. Avoid the two rotating red bars by jumping until the timer runs out. |
112 | This level requires trial and error to find out what the correct path is. The correct path reveals our code, with each platform we stand on representing 1, 2, or 3 respectively. The correct path and code is 1312. |
113 | Press the green button and then parkour across the following assault course before the lava catches up to you. |
114 | Press the blue button in the room, which is found on top of the ceiling light. You’ll need to jump or mess about with your camera angle to reach it. |
115 | You must work out the amount of different, possible squares that can be in the image on the left-hand wall. The answer and code is 30. |
116 | Look very carefully at the circular shapes on the wall. They are arranged to reveal the code, which is 1502. |
117 | Move the crates onto the yellow buttons to reveal new paths and eventually reach the other side of the room. |
118 | Pick up the torch and light the fire. The clock will begin to turn clockwise, revealing numbers. The numbers you need are the ones that correspond with the illuminated pieces of charcoal around the fire. The code is 3658. |
119 | Press the five correct buttons in the room, and avoid the kill buttons. This level is mainly trial and error. |
120 | Look at the lines on the floor of each both and assemble them back into a number to reveal the code: 7613. |
121 | Solve the sums on the whiteboard and put together their answers into a code using the direction of the arrow: 9155. |
122 | Count how many faces each shape has to reveal the code: 1653. |
123 | The signpost says that the code is in the game description, making it 5072. |
124 | The code is 4023, but you need to input it on the keypad using Roman numerals: IV, N, II, III. |
125 | The code is the result of 5x5x5x5x5, which is 3125. |
126 | The code is how much time it takes to get a free skip. You get a free skip every ten minutes, so the code is 1000. |
127 | The code is found on the side of a cube in the right-hand corner of the room that is closest to where you entered. It is 3458. |
128 | The first and third digits of this code can be seen in the black paint on the wall. The second and fourth digits can be seen in the spaces between the black paint. The code is 1648. |
129 | The numbers on the wall have been multiplied by one another. For example, 5164 = 120 by doing the following sum: 5x1=5, 5x6=30, 30x4=120. By that logic, to get our code from 253, we must do 2x3=6, 6x5=30, and 30x3=90. The code is 90. |
130 | Click the blue buttons to remove the red bars on the ramp bit by bit. When that’s done, push the crate onto the yellow button. Then, press the green button. |
131 | All the numbers on the wall have had 123 subtracted from them. Using that logic, 555-123=432. The code is 432. |
132 | There are 22 pillars in the room. ‘The number of pillars twice’ means the code is 2222. |
133 | Follow the conveyor belt and complete the invisible parkour course. You want to go upwards and find/press the invisible green button which opens the nearby door. Go through the door and press the green button. |
134 | Go round the right or left-hand side of the glass box and move your camera inside of the box to be able to input the code, which is 7483. |
135 | Move the crates into the gaps in the ramp, and move the last one below the hole in the ceiling in the back-left corner. Jump into the hole to reach the exit. |
136 | The painting on the wall beside the entrance reveals the path you need to take in the following room. |
137 | Pick up the sword and approach the knight. Lure him into the water by jumping from the bridge to the wall. |
138 | Sit in the chair and jump to find yourself underground. Press the green button. |
139 | Parkour upwards in the green room to eventually reach and press the green button. |
140 | The floor is lava! Parkour around the room using the furniture to press the green button in the fireplace, on the shelf behind the bar, and inside the planter in the corner (near the pool table). To access the button in the fireplace, you must go behind it. |
141 | Jump over the red bars and enter the room to the left of the hallway. Jump over the red bars again and climb the bookshelf to find the code on top of it: 9571. |
142 | Draw lines using the arrows shown on the wall to get a digit. For example, if you follow the arrows for digit 1 and draw it with pen and paper, you will get the number 5 and so forth. The code is 5704. |
143 | The code is written in morse code on the wall. There is a note on the table in the corner explaining morse code. The code is 8913. |
144 | Press the green buttons in order and count how many notes each one plays. The code is 7124. |
145 | The code is Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn. Look at the order of the planets on the right-hand side of the room to reveal the code: 2346. |
146 | Go through the secret door in the wall to the right of the entrance. There is a blue button beneath the table to click. |
147 | Count how many studs appear as the stud slowly transforms, and this will give you your code: 8129. |
148 | The whiteboard reads ‘SAm’. Go the periodic table in the room and find ‘S’ which has 16 on it, and ‘Am’ which has ‘95’ on it. This gives us our code of 1695. |
149 | The room, which is empty, ‘represents’ the code. The code is 0000. |
150 | The painting on the left-hand wall represents a keypad without numbers. The yellow squares are the numbers we need to press on the real keypad: 1246. |
151 | The writing on the wall gives each letter a number. The number corresponds to how many lines that letter consists of. Therefore, HATE must equal 3324. |
152 | Go through the maze shown on the floor and do not step on any bombs. The effects of the question mark tiles are random, so this floor takes a few attempts. |
153 | There is a map showing a path across the platforms on the left-hand wall. Ignore the sign saying ‘rotate once’. |
154 | The signpost reveals the code using shapes. Count how many of each shape are inside the room on the right to reveal the code: 7552. Note that one of the circles is on the floor. |
155 | Move the crate to gain access to the ladder. Move the crate at the top of the ladder onto the floor. Move both crates - using the ramp - into the gap between the ramp and the wall. Jump on the crates to reach a hole in the top corner of the wall to reach and press the green button. |
156 | On the platform with the librarian, interact with the Mysterious Book (a black book) that is on the bookshelf to the left to reveal a secret area. Move your camera to look behind the books in the secret area. There is a note on the wall with the code: 9499. |
157 | Click the pictures to move them around. Put them in the correct position to reveal the image and complete the sliding jigsaw! |
158 | Use the crate on the floor to access the ledge on the left-hand side of the room. Push the crate onto the ledge into the other half of the room, and then use this crate to access the hole in the wall in the back left corner. Press the green button. |
159 | Run through the flowers with your camera beneath them. The code is under a flower on the left of the room: 9534. |
160 | Match all the cards on the floor with one another before the 30 second timer is over. |
161 | The code is how many wheels each vehicle in the room has, in order: 4213. |
162 | Go up the stairs and stand on the green button. You need to move around the block, as it rotates, and try not to fall in the lava below. |
163 | To the left of the tree, inside the wall, you can find and press the green button. Move your camera to be able to see it! |
164 | The first two digits of the code are the amount of different colours on the floor, which is 10. The last two digits are the amount of tiles on the floor, which is 64. The code is 1064. |
165 | To get the code, you need to multiply the first number by the second number - giving you the first two digits. Then, multiply the second number by the third number, giving you the final two digits. For example, 8x8=64, 8x2=16, giving us 6416. Therefore, 5x7=35, 5x4=20, meaning our code is 3520. |
166 | The crates - which you need to jump across - in the middle of the room show where you need to position the sliders on the opposite side of the room. |
167 | Click the blue button and jump into the hole, avoiding the red bars. |
168 | Go through the maze shown on the floor and do not step on any bombs. The effects of the question mark tiles are random, so this floor takes a few attempts. |
169 | Whatever numbers do not feature on the left, will make up the code on the right. 875431 does not feature the following numbers, so our code is: 9620. |
170 | On the left wall, there are groups of lines. Each of these groups of lines creates a number - with an example shown on the right wall. The code is 7018. |
171 | Follow the arrows on the left wall and note down each number you come to. You should get the code 7974. |
172 | The right wall tells you that each digit of the code relates to the number of studs that can be found inside or along the sides of the triangles on the opposite wall. Remember that this is a sequence in which the triangles are rotating anti-clockwise once each time and adding a stud to the outside of the triangle. It also happens that each pair of triangles (Triangle 1 and 2, for example), will have the same number of total studs.Using this information, you need to figure out what the last triangle in the sequence is - and the position of the studs in and around it - to reveal the code. We know that Triangle 5 has 8 studs total (3 inside, 5 outside), meaning Triangle 6 must also have 8 studs total. Given that a single stud is added to the outside of the triangle each time, we know Triangle 6 will have 6 studs outside in the Digit 2 position when following the rotation, meaning there must be 2 inside. The final two sides of the triangles have no studs, so the final two digits of our code is 00.The code is 2600. |
173 | Click all of the blue buttons around the room, one by one, before the timer runs out. |
174 | Go through the dark gaps in the maze until you reach the exit. Be cautious of lava. |
175 | The correct portal is the second to last one. The code is 2942. |
176 | The arrows on the wall point to the numbers on the keypad that you need to press: 1260. |
177 | Count the corners of the four shapes to reveal the code: 5008. |
178 | The blank keypads on the wall reveal what the code is, excluding the third digit. You’ll need to guess! The code is 9753. |
179 | Go inside the hut on your left and press the leftmost arrow multiple times until a yellow button appears outside. Push the crate onto the yellow button and press the green button that then appears. |
180 | Use the hints on the right wall to figure out what ‘ABCD’ each numerically represents. A = 4, B = 0, C = 5, D = 2. The code is 4952. |
181 | You must find three keys around the room. The green one is on the bookshelves in the play area, the blue one is inside the cupboard in the back corner, and the red one is in one of the white drawers in the back corner.Use the keys to open the locked gates and press the green button. |
182 | Click the blue button and answer the random math questions before the timer runs out. |
183 | Push the ball onto the track and stand on it, carefully maneuvering it over to the green button and avoiding the lava. |
184 | To get the code, you need to multiply all digits shown in the first number. For example, 752=70 because 7x5x2=70.2x5x5=50, so the code is 50. |
185 | On the left wall, it says that A=1 and Z=26, meaning each letter in the alphabet corresponds to a number. If the code is HAHA, as the signpost says, then the real code is 8181. |
186 | Press all three green buttons in the room while avoiding the red laser beams. |
187 | Time for a bit of colour theory. Red and Blue panels both have a number assigned to them, while Pink doesn’t. If you mix Red and Blue, you tend to get Pink or Purple.Add the numbers associated with Red and Blue together to get the code: 700. |
188 | To get this code, you must multiply the left number by 3 and add 1. For example, 4x3+1=13.Using this logic, the code is 430x3+1, which is 1291. |
189 | The Noob (NPC) in the room tells you the code is 5119, but the keypad is covered in ink. Put the code in using your memory of the keypad. |
190 | Look at the table on the wall. If you add together every black number in a single row, your answer is the red number. Use this to work out the code, which is 6554. |
191 | The signpost says the code is 1234, but the back of the signpost says the code is mixed up. You will need to use trial and error to guess the code using the given digits. You can use the sounds the keypad makes to work out what digits are correctly positioned and which aren’t. The code is 3421. |
192 | The code is being given in morse code via the flashing of the lights in the room. Use the note on the table that explains morse code and pay attention to the lights. The code is 5281. |
193 | The NPC tells you that ‘only death can save me from this place’, and he’s right. Reset your character, and look at the blank spaces on the floors, walls, and ceilings each time. Note down any new digits that appear to reveal the code: 5937. |
194 | Press the green button and then count how many small penguins appear in the room. Put this number into by clicking the blue buttons near where you first pressed the green button: 35. |
195 | Push the crate onto the yellow button and go towards the exit. The code is revealed to be 2186, but three numbers on the keypad are missing. You need to use the crate on the platforms marked with an ‘X’ to access different rooms containing the buttons.To save you some time, let’s say you are standing on the yellow button. From there: Number 2 is found in the right back corner.Number 1 is found in the left front corner.Number 6 is found in the right front corner.Number 8 is found in the left back corner. |
196 | You need to parkour through this obstacle course. What’s shown on the blue left side is actually on the right side, and what’s shown on the red right side is actually on the blue side. So, you need to keep a careful eye on where you’re supposed to be jumping to reach the end. |
197 | Dance with the robot using the dance emote. Type ‘e/ dance’ to use it. |
198 | Click the pictures to move them around. Put them in the correct position to reveal the image and complete the sliding jigsaw! |
199 | Press the green button and dodge the snowballs until the timer runs out. |
200 | Look at the grey space on the left-hand wall, which reveals the code: 7895. |
Once you reach Floor 200, you will have completed the Roblox IQ Test! Well done on your newfound geniusness.
For more on Roblox and what it has to offer, take a look at our Arm Wrestle Simulator codes, Ultimate Tower Defense codes, and our Murder Mystery 2 codes.