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Fisch Full Bestiary and fish locations

Here's where to find the full Bestiary of fish in every area of Fisch, as well as the bait, season, weather and time of day they prefer!

A character wearing diving equipment and carrying a fishing rod in the Roblox game, Fisch.
Image credit: Roblox/VG247
Update: We've added two new bestiaries — the Grand Reef and Atlantean Storm — which were added to Fisch during updates 1.13 and 1.14.

There are dozens of fish to discover in the varied aquatic world of the Fisch. From classic freshwater sport fish like Carp and Trout to the humongous Giant Squid and enigmatic Spectral Serpent, there are so many amazing sights to see as you travel from island to island, finding secret areas along the way.

You can increase your chance of finding particular fish by fishing during certain weather events, during different seasons, or by using different bait. You do not, however, need to use a specific type of bait to catch a fish. You can catch pretty much any fish with just a plain rod, but using their preferred bait will increase the chance of encountering that fish.

If a fish only comes out during the day or night though, you will need to fish at that time to encounter them.

All Fish locations:

Overgrowth Caves:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Icy Salmon Uncommon Overgrowth Caves Worm N/A Winter Day
Ice Anchovy Uncommon Overgrowth Caves Worm Clear Winter Day
Icy Carp Unusual Overgrowth Caves Bagel N/A Winter N/A
Frigid Crab Unusual Overgrowth Caves Fish Head N/A Winter N/A
Icy Goldfish Rare Overgrowth Caves Flakes Clear Winter Day
Icy Tuna Rare Overgrowth Caves Fish Head N/A Winter N/A
Frigid Antlers Legendary Overgrowth Caves N/A N/A Winter N/A
Frozen Walnut Mythical Overgrowth Caves N/A N/A Winter N/A
Glass Diamond Mythical Overgrowth Caves N/A N/A N/A N/A

Frigid Cavern:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Frigid Shrimp Uncommon Frigid Cavern Flakes N/A Winter Night
Ice Eel Uncommon Frigid Cavern Worm N/A Winter Night
Ice Jellyfish Unusual Frigid Cavern N/A N/A Winter N/A
Ice Octopus Unusual Frigid Cavern Fish Head N/A Winter Day
Snowfish Rare Frigid Cavern Fish Head N/A Winter N/A
Frozen Taco Rare Frigid Cavern N/A N/A Winter N/A
Polar Alligator Legendary Frigid Cavern Fish Head N/A Winter Night
Frozen Mammoth Tusk Mythical Frigid Cavern N/A N/A Winter N/A

Cryogenic Canal:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Snowflake Smelt Uncommon Cryogenic Canal Flakes Snow Winter Day
Frost Minnow Uncommon Cryogenic Canal Worm N/A Winter Day
Snowback Char Unusual Cryogenic Canal Insect N/A Winter Day
Iced Perch Unusual Cryogenic Canal Minnow N/A Winter N/A
Icebreaker Haddock Rare Cryogenic Canal Fish Head N/A Winter Day
Frozen Pike Rare Cryogenic Canal Fish Head N/A Winter N/A
Chillfin Herring Rare Cryogenic Canal Seaweed N/A Winter Day
Frostjaw Cod Legendary Cryogenic Canal Fish Head N/A Winter Night
Aurora Trout Mythical Cryogenic Canal Truffle Worm Clear Winter Night
Glacial Sturgeon Mythical Cryogenic Canal Truffle Worm N/A Winter Night

Glacial Grotto:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Frostling Goby Uncommon Glacial Grotto Insect N/A Winter Day
Snowgill Dace Uncommon Glacial Grotto Worm N/A Winter Day
Icy Walleye Unusual Glacial Grotto Minnow N/A Winter Night
Chillback Whitefish Unusual Glacial Grotto Worm N/A Winter N/A
Glacier Swordfish Rare Glacial Grotto Fish Head N/A Winter N/A
Frostbite Flounder Rare Glacial Grotto Squid N/A Winter N/A
Icefang Barracuda Rare Glacial Grotto Fish Head N/A Winter N/A
Shiverfin Haddock Rare Glacial Grotto Fish Head N/A Winter Day
Borealis Snapper Legendary Glacial Grotto Fish Head Clear Winter Night
Icebeard Shark Mythical Glacial Grotto Truffle Worm N/A Winter Night


Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Icicle Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Holly Berry N/A N/A N/A
Olmdeer Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village at night Holly Berry Fog N/A Night
Cookie Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Holly Berry N/A N/A N/A
Supreme Present Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Magnet N/A N/A N/A
Gingerbread Fish Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Peppermint Worm Clear Winter N/A
Ornament Fish Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Holly Berry N/A Autumn N/A
Santa Salmon Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Holly Berry Rain Spring, Winter N/A
Glass of Milk Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Peppermint Worm N/A N/A N/A
Festive Bait Crate Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Magnet N/A N/A N/A
Santa Pufferfish Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village at night Peppermint Worm Fog Winter Night
Basic Present Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Magnet N/A N/A N/A
Northstar Serpent Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Holly Berry Fog N/A N/A
Unique Present Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village Magnet N/A N/A N/A
Candy Cane Carp Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village during the day Peppermint Worm N/A Winter Day
Snowflake Flounder Limited-Time In the sea around the Winter Village at night Peppermint Worm Rain N/A Night


Fish Name: Rarity: Location:
Seaweed Trash Everywhere
Driftwood Trash Everywhere
Boot Trash Everywhere
Rock Trash “Rocky bodies of water”
Stalactite Trash Desolate Deep
Bone Trash Brine Pool
Log Trash Washed up on beaches and in the ocean
Ice Trash Frozen bodies of water on Snowcap Island
Tire Trash “Cheap bodies of water”
Basalt Trash Inside Roslit Volcano, requires Magma Rod
Fungal Cluster Trash On Mushgrove Swamp Island
Fossil Trash The Depths
Scrap Metal Trash The Depths


Fish Name: Rarity: Location:
Bait Crate Uncommon Everywhere
Fish Barrel Uncommon In the Ocean
Quality Bait Crate Rare Everywhere
Common Crate Uncommon Everywhere
Carbon Crate Rare Everywhere
Enchant Relic Relic Everywhere
Treasure Map Relic Everywhere
Meg's Fang Mythical The sea around the Ancient Isle
Meg's Spine Mythical The sea around the Ancient Isle


Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Anchovy Common In the sea near the docks N/A Clear Spring Day
Bream Common Moosewood Pond Worms Fog Spring, Winter Day
Largemouth Bass Common Moosewood Pond Worms Rain Spring, Summer N/A
Red Snapper Common In the sea N/A N/A Summer, Autumn N/A
Sockeye Salmon Common In the sea Bagel Rain Autumn, Winter N/A
Trout Common Moosewood Pond Insects Clear N/A N/A
Carp Uncommon Moosewood Pond Bagel N/A N/A N/A
Goldfish Uncommon Moosewood Pond Flakes Clear Summer Day
Yellowfin Tuna Uncommon In the sea around the island N/A N/A Summer N/A
Eel Unusual In the sea at night N/A N/A N/A Night
Flounder Unusual In the sea near the docks (often given as an Angler quest) Squid Wind N/A Night
Pike Unusual Moosewood Pond Insects Rain Spring, Autumn N/A
Snook Unusual In the sea near the docks Shrimp Fog Spring N/A
Whiptail Catfish Legendary Moosewood Pond at night Seaweed N/A Spring, Autumn Night
Whisker Bill Mythical In the sea around the island Truffle Worm N/A N/A N/A

Roslit Bay:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Chub Common Roslit Pond Seaweed N/A Spring, Summer Day
Minnow Common Roslit Pond during the day Bagel Clear Spring N/A
Perch Common Roslit Pond Worms Clear N/A N/A
Blue Tang (Dory) Uncommon Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Flakes N/A Spring, Summer Day
Butterfly Fish Uncommon Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Flakes Fog N/A Day
Clownfish (Nemo) Uncommon Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Flakes Fog Spring, Summer N/A
Pumpkinseed Uncommon Roslit Pond Minnow N/A Summer N/A
Clam Unusual Sand bank off the coast of the island next to the pond N/A N/A N/A N/A
Angelfish Unusual Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Worms Clear N/A N/A
Pufferfish Unusual Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Seaweed N/A Summer N/A
Yellow Boxfish Unusual Roslit Coral Reef during the day (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Seaweed Rain N/A Day
Ribbon Eel Unusual Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) Minnow N/A Summer N/A
Squid Unusual In the sea by the docks at night Shrimp Fog Winter Night
Alligator Gar Rare Roslit Pond (look for “abundances” message) N/A N/A Summer N/A
Arapaima Rare Roslit Pond (look for “abundances” message) Minnow Fog, Rain N/A N/A
Suckermouth Catfish Rare “Near the seaweed of Roslit Bay’s Pond” Seaweed N/A Spring, Autumn Day
Axolotl Legendary Roslit Pond Insects N/A Spring, Autumn Night
Dumbo Octopus Legendary Roslit Coral Reef (between the hamlet and lighthouse) - Can also be caught by the docks Worms Rain Winter N/A
Manta Ray Mythical Roslit Coral Reef at night (between the hamlet and lighthouse) - Can also caught in the sea around the island Shrimp N/A Summer Night

Roslit Volcano:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Magma Tang Uncommon Requires Magma Rod Coal N/A Spring Day
Ember Perch Unusual Requires Magma Rod N/A Clear N/A N/A
Ember Snapper Unusual Requires Magma Rod Coal N/A Summer N/A
Pyrogrub Rare Requires Magma Rod Coal N/A Winter N/A
Volcanic Geode Rare Requires Magma Rod Magnet N/A N/A N/A
Obsidian Salmon Legendary Requires Magma Rod Coal N/A Winter Night
Obsidian Swordfish Mythical Requires Magma Rod Minnow Wind Summer N/A
Molten Banshee Exotic Requires Magma Rod Truffle Worm Clear Summer N/A

Sunstone Island:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Glassfish Common In the Sea around the docks and island Flakes Clear N/A N/A
Sweetfish Common In the Sea around the docks and island - often given as an Angler quest Worms Clear N/A N/A
Chinfish Uncommon In the Sea around the docks and island N/A Rain Autumn, Winter N/A
Longtail Bass Uncommon In the Sea around the docks and island Shrimp Fog Spring, Summer N/A
Red Tang Uncommon In the Sea around the docks and island Flakes N/A Spring, Summer N/A
Trumpetfish Unusual In the Sea around the docks and island during the day Shrimp N/A Summer, Autumn Day
Mahi Mahi Rare In the Sea around the docks and island N/A Wind Spring N/A
Napoleonfish Rare In the Sea around the docks and island during the day N/A N/A Summer, Autumn Day
Sunfish Legendary In the Sea around the docks and island during the day N/A Clear Summmer Day
Wiifish Legendary In the Sea around the docks and island during the day N/A N/A Autumn N/A
Voltfish Mythical In the Sea around the docks and island at night Super Flakes Rain N/A Night

Terrapin Island:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Gudgeon Common In the sea around the island Insects N/A Spring, Summer Day
Smallmouth Bass Common In the sea around the island Worms Wind Spring, Summer N/A
Walleye Uncommon In the sea on the eastern side the island Minnow N/A Spring, Autumn N/A
White Bass Uncommon In the sea around the island during the day Minnow Fog Spring, Summer Day
Chinook Salmon Unusual In the sea around the island Minnow N/A Autumn N/A
Redeye Bass Unusual In the sea around the island during the day Flakes Wind Spring, Autumn Day
King Oyster Rare Cage fishing N/A N/A Summer, Autumn N/A
Gold Smallmouth Bass Legendary In the sea around the island during the day Flakes Fog Autumn Day
Olm Legendary At the back of the small cave on the eastern side of the island Flakes Fog N/A Night
Sea Turtle Mythical In the sea around the island N/A N/A N/A Day

Mushgrove Swamp:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Swamp Bass Common Mushgrove Swamp Worms Wind Spring, Summer N/A
White Perch Common Mushgrove Swamp Worms N/A Spring, Autumn N/A
Bowfin Uncommon Mushgrove Swamp at night Worms Rain Spring, Summer Night
Grey Carp Uncommon Mushgrove Swamp Seaweed N/A Autumn N/A
Swamp Scallop Unusual Cage fishing N/A N/A Winter N/A
Marsh Gar Rare Mushgrove Swamp Fish Head Fog Winter N/A
Mushgrove Crab Rare Cage fishing N/A N/A Summer N/A
Catfish Rare Mushgrove Swamp at night Worms Fog Summer, Autumn Night
Alligator Legendary Mushgrove Swamp at night Fish Head Fog, Rain Spring Night
Handfish Mythical Mushgrove Swamp Insects Fog Spring N/A

Snowcap Island:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Bluegill Common Pond in Upper Snowcap Insects Clear Spring, Summer N/A
Grayling Common Pond in Upper Snowcap Insects Fog Spring, Summer Day
Herring Common In the sea around the island Shrimp Wind Spring, Summer Day
Pollock Common In the sea around the docks N/A Fog, Rain Summer N/A
Red Drum Common In the sea around the island Insects N/A Spring, Autumn N/A
Arctic Char Uncommon In the sea around the island Insects N/A Spring, Autumn N/A
Blackfish Uncommon Pond in Upper Snowcap at night Worms N/A N/A Night
Burbot Uncommon Pond in Upper Snowcap Minnow Fog Autumn N/A
Glacier Pike Unusual Pond in Upper Snowcap Insects Rain Spring, Autumn N/A
Lingcod Unusual Snowcap cave at the “water-side entrance” which leads to the sea Fish Head Wind Summer, Autumn Day
Skipjack Tuna Unusual In the sea around the island N/A N/A N/A N/A
Sturgeon Rare In the sea around the island Seaweed N/A N/A N/A
Pond Emperor Legendary Pond in Upper Snowcap Squid Clear Winter N/A
Glacierfish Mythical Snowcap Cave at night Truffle Worm Fog, Rain N/A Night
Ringle Mythical In the sea around the island at night Bagel Fog N/A Night

Forsaken Shores:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Corsair Grouper Common In the sea around the island Seaweed N/A Spring, Summer Day
Mako Shark Common In the sea around the island Deep Coral Rain N/A Night
Buccaneer Barracuda Uncommon Forsaken Coral Reef at night Deep Coral N/A Winter Night
Galleon Goliath Uncommon In the sea around the island during the day Squid N/A Winter Day
Cutlass Fish Unusual Forsaken Coral Reef during the day Worms N/A Spring Day
Scurvy Sailfish Unusual In the sea close to the island’s rocky shore at night Shrimp N/A Winter Night
Cursed Eel Rare In the sea around the island at night Coal Rain Summer Night
Reefrunner Snapper Rare Forsaken Coral Reef during the day Insects N/A N/A Day
Shipwreck Barracuda Legendary In the sea around the island at night Coral Rain N/A Night
Captain’s Goldfish Mythical Under the waterfall in the Forsaken Shores Pond Truffle Worm N/A Summer Day
Golden Seahorse Mythical In the sea around Forsaken Shores during the day Weird Algae N/A Summer Day

Keepers Altar:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Pale Tang Uncommon Drop down onto the rocks on the left as you enter to reach the water level and fish off the side Bagel N/A Spring, Summer N/A
Bluefish Unusual Same as Pale Tang but during the day Flakes Clear Summer Day
Keepers Guardian Rare Same as Pale Tang Worm Rain Winter N/A
Lapisjack Rare Same as Pale Tang Minnow Rain Spring Day
Umbral Shark Legendary Same as Pale Tang but at night Fish Head Clear Winter Night

Desolate Deep:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Slate Tuna Common In the water inside Desolate Deep Super Flakes Rain Spring N/A
Horseshoe Crab Common In the water inside Desolate Deep, can be caught with regular rods as well as cages N/A Rain Spring N/A
Coral Geode Uncommon In the water inside Desolate Deep Magnet N/A N/A N/A
Phantom Ray Uncommon In the water inside Desolate Deep at night Weird Algae N/A Summer, Autumn Night
Cockatoo Squid Unusual In the water inside Desolate Deep at night Minnow N/A Summer, Winter Night
Rockstar Hermit Crab Unusual In the water inside Desolate Deep with both rods and cages N/A Fog Summer N/A
Banditfish Rare In the water inside Desolate Deep Insects N/A Spring N/A
Midnight Axolotl Legendary In the water inside Desolate Deep at night Insects N/A Spring, Autumn Night
Barbed Shark Legendary In the water inside Desolate Deep Fish Head N/A N/A N/A
Emperor Jellyfish Mythical In the water inside Desolate Deep Magnet Rain N/A N/A
Sea Mine Mythical Cage Fishing N/A Clear N/A N/A

Brine Pool:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Gazerfish Common In the Brine Pool during the day. Requires Reinforced Rod Worms N/A Autumn, Winter Day
Brine Shrimp Uncommon In the Brine Pool during the day. Requires Reinforced Rod N/A N/A N/A Day
Globe Jellyfish Unusual Requires Reinforced Rod N/A Fog N/A N/A
Dweller Catfish Rare Requires Reinforced Rod Weird Algae N/A Winter Day
Brine Phantom Legendary In the Brine Pool at night. Requires Reinforced Rod Fish Head Fog Autumn Night
Spectral Serpent Mythical In the Brine Pool at night. Requires Reinforced Rod Truffle Worm Clear N/A Night


Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Night Shrimp Common Vertigo Dip (ironically) during the day N/A N/A Summer, Winter Day
Spiderfish Common Vertigo Dip N/A N/A Winter N/A
Twilight Eel Uncommon Vertigo Dip Insects N/A Winter N/A
Fangborn Gar Unusual Vertigo Dip Fish Head Fog N/A N/A
Abyssacuda Rare Vertigo Dip Minnow N/A Spring, Summer N/A
Voidfin Mahi Rare Vertigo Dip Truffle Worm Wind Spring N/A
Rubber Duck Legendary Vertigo Dip N/A Rain N/A N/A
Isonade Mythical Fish in the Strange Whirlpool without going inside Truffle Worm N/A N/A N/A
Depths Key Exotic Rare catch in the Vertigo Dip N/A N/A N/A Day

The Depths:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Deep Sea Dragonfish Common Water in The Depths at night Deep Coral N/A N/A Night
Deep Sea Hatchet fish Common Water in The Depths at night Seaweed N/A N/A Night
Depth Octopus Unusual Water in The Depths during the day Coral N/A N/A Day
Frilled Shark Unusual Water in The Depths at night Fish Head N/A N/A Night
Luminescent Minnow Unusual Water in The Depths at night Seaweed N/A Spring Night
Three-eyed Fish Unusual Water in The Depths at night Seaweed N/A N/A Night
Black Dragonfish Rare Water in The Depths at night Deep Coral N/A N/A Night
Goblin Shark Rare Water in The Depths at night Fish Head N/A Spring, Summer Night
Spider Crab Rare Water in The Depths during the day, caught with a rod rather than cage like most crabs Deep Coral N/A Summer Day
Small Spine Chimera Legendary Water in The Depths during the day Seaweed N/A Spring, Summer Day
Nautilus Legendary Water in The Depths at night N/A N/A Spring, Summer Night
Ancient Eel Legendary Water in The Depths at night Coal N/A Spring, Summer Night
Barreleye Fish Mythical This fish was bugged when introduced into the game, but is supposed to spawn in The Depths at night Deep Coral N/A Summer Night
Mutated Shark Mythical Water in The Depths at night Fish Head N/A Winter Night
Sea Snake Mythical Water in The Depths at night Fish Head N/A Winter Night
Ancient Depths Serpent Exotic Found only in a circular spot in the water when "Absolute Darkness" falls in The Depths Truffle Worm N/A N/A Night

Ancient Isle:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Piranha Common Found around the Ancient Isle in rivers, ponds and the sea near waterfalls Squid N/A Spring, Winter N/A
Cladoselache Common Found in rivers and ponds on the Ancient Isle Worms N/A N/A Day
Starfish Uncommon In the sea near the Ancient Isle N/A N/A Summer N/A
Onychodus Uncommon In the sea around the Ancient Isle at night N/A N/A N/A Night
Anomalocaris Uncommon In the rivers and sea around the Ancient Isle at night Minnow N/A N/A Night
Hyneria Unusual In the sea around the Ancient Isle N/A Fog Spring N/A
Acanthodii Unusual In the sea around the Ancient Isle N/A N/A Winter N/A
Xiphactinus Unusual Can be found all around the Ancient Isle at night Fish Heads N/A Autumn, Winter Night
Cobia Rare In the sea around the Ancient Isle Insects Rain Summer, Autumn N/A
Hallucigenia Rare Found in rivers and ponds across the Ancient Isle Flakes N/A Autumn Day
Leedsichthys Legendary Found at the bottom of waterfalls around Ancient Isle (both in fresh water and the one that connects to the sea) Squid Fog N/A Day
Dunkleosteus Legendary Found in the sea around the Ancient Isle Minnow N/A N/A Day
Floppy Legendary Found around the pond on the Ancient Isle Super Flakes N/A Autumn N/A
Ginsu Shark Legendary In the sea around the Ancient Isle Fish Heads N/A Summer Night
Helicoprion Mythical Found in the sea around the Ancient Isle Squid N/A N/A N/A
Mosasaurus Mythical Found around the Ancient Isle at night Truffle Worms Fog N/A Night
Megalodon Exotic Found on the eastern side of the Ancient Isle when a Megalodon sighting is announced Shark Head N/A N/A N/A
Phantom Megalodon Limited Ultra-rare version of the regular Megalodon - Found on the eastern side of the Ancient Isle when a Megalodon sighting is announced Shark Head N/A N/A N/A
Acient Fragment Legendary In the sea around the Ancient Isle. Fragment used to open the Ancient Archives N/A N/A N/A N/A

Ancient Archives:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season: Preferred Time:
Birgeria Unusual Fish below the bridge in the Ancient Archives Worm N/A N/A N/A
Palaeoniscus Unusual Fish below the bridge in the Ancient Archives at night. Can also be found in rivers on the main Ancient Isle, but appears in the Achives Bestiary Fish Heads Clear Spring, Autumn Night
Phanerorhynchus Rare Fish below the bridge in the Ancient Archives at night Deep Coral N/A N/A Night
Diplurus Legendary Fish below the bridge in the Ancient Archives Shrimp N/A N/A Day
Amblypterus Mythical Fish below the bridge in the Ancient Archives Fish Heads N/A N/A Day
Lepidotes Mythical Fish below the bridge in the Ancient Archives at night Deep Coral N/A N/A Night

Open Ocean:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location:
Haddock Common In the sea, especially near Haddock Rock
Mackerel Common In the sea
Mullet Common Coastal waters
Mussel Common Cage fishing
Porgy Common In the sea
Sand Dollar Common Cage fishing
Sardine Common In the sea
Sea Bass Common In the sea
Shrimp Common In the sea or through cage fishing
Amberjack Uncommon In the sea
Barracuda Uncommon In the sea and near Moosewood
Cod Uncommon In the sea
Crab Uncommon Cage fishing
Oyster Uncommon Cage fishing around Terrapin Island
Prawn Uncommon In the sea at night or cage fishing
Salmon Uncommon In the sea
Scallop Uncommon Sandy banks in the sea and near Moosewood
Lobster Unusual Cage fishing
Nurse Shark Unusual In the ocean at night
Anglerfish Rare Dark, deep ocean pockets in the open sea
Bluefin Tuna Rare In the sea
Coelacanth Rare Dark, deep ocean pockets in the open sea
Cookiecutter Shark Rare At night after a shark sighting is announced
Halibut Rare In the sea near Haddock Rock
Sailfish Rare In the sea
Sea Urchin Rare Cage fishing
Stingray Rare Saltwater caves and deep, dark ocean pockets
Swordfish Rare In the sea
Bull Shark Legendary Near coasts and also in freshwater
Flying Fish Legendary In the sea
Crown Bass Legendary In the sea at night
Dolphin Legendary In the sea during the day
Moonfish Legendary In the sea at night
Rabbitfish Legendary Under the arch of The Arch in to the northeast of Moosewood
Sawfish Legendary Near the Harvester's Spike to the south of Roslit Bay at night
Great White Shark Mythical In the ocean after a sighting is announced, only one spawns at a time
Giant Squid Mythical In deep, dark ocean pockets and the rest of the ocean at night
Hammerhead Shark Mythical In the ocean after a sighting is announced, only one spawns at a time
Mythic Fish Mythical In the ocean during the day
Oarfish Mythical In deep, dark ocean pockets
Sea Pickle Mythical In the ocean at night
Whale Shark Mythical In the ocean after a sighting is announced during the day, only one spawns at a time

Grand Reef:

Fish Name: Rarity: Location:
Coral Chromis Common In the sea
Reef Minnow Common In the sea
Coral Guard Uncommon In the sea
Reef Goby Uncommon In the sea
Crystal Wrasse Unusual In the sea
Reef Parrotfish Rare In the sea
Coral Emporer Legendary In the sea
Coral Reef Guardian Mythical In the sea

Atlantean Storm:

Fish Name: Rarity: Preferred Bait: Preferred Weather: Preferred Season:
Tempest Ray Uncommon Seaweed Windy Winter
Abyss Snapper Uncommon Fish Head Foggy Autumn
Vortex Barracuda Unusual Minnow Clear Summer
Whirlpool Marlin Unusual Squid Rain Spring
Typhoon Tuna Rare Fish Head Rain Winter
Cyclone Mako Rare Fish Head Windy Spring
Maelstorm Shark Legendary Truffle Worm Foggy Autumn
Void Angler Mythical Truffle Worm Clear Summer

Need more help with Fisch? Then don't forget to check-out our guides for Fisch codes, the best fishing rods, and our tips for getting the Magma rod.

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