Five things Alan Wake 2 does better than every other horror game
The game Remedy has spent its entire existence building to could teach other studios a few things
Multiple Game Awards nominee Alan Wake 2 is a masterpiece of horror and interactive storytelling. It’s arguably the medium at its peak: a confluence of technology, talent, and ambition that could only have happened this gen, and given how long we’ve waited since the first game, something that could well have not happened at all.
So what makes Alan Wake 2 special? Well, there’s dozens of things it does well, but here’s five things that we think it does better than any other horror game, and that make it quintessentially Remedy:
If you’re too busy to watch the video above, here’s a quick summary of Kelsey’s notes:
1. Mixed Media
It uses multiple creative mediums to tell a story; gameplay, writing, live-action footage, poetry, music. And none of them feel out of place. Balancing all these elements perfectly is key to AW2's success.

2. Meta AF
It’s the peak of meta horror, and through Sam Lake’s characterisation and the inclusion of the FBC, it successfully canonizes the developer and firmly establishes Remedy's Connected Universe as a rich Twilight Zone playground that we can't wait to visit again.
3. Genuine Terror, Genuine Comedy
It’s truly terrifying and will scare players senseless, but it still manages to be funny, and this never feels inappropriate. The ‘We Sing’ portion of the game that many have been talking about is completely bizarre and hilarious, but doesn’t remove from the rest of the game’s atmosphere.

4. Finland, Finland, Finland
It incorporates the culture of its developers and does it brilliantly; we’re in this sleepy Pacific Northwestern town that’s packed with Finnish and Norse mythology through its characters, the cult at the heart of the story, and even the environment.

5. Song
Music is a huge part of Alan Wake 2, and it helps to tell the story; between chapters there are entire tracks that will tell parts of the story through song, and they’re damn good. So good, in fact, that we've been listening the the soundtrack outside of the game: it works beautifully on its own terms, as well as an accompaniment to the action. The true mark of a great video game soundtrack.
How many Game Awards do you think Alan Wake 2 will run away with? Let us know in the comments!