Black Ops 6 patch nerfs snaking, Recon Speciality, and stops you from getting killed after joining a match in progress
This week's Black Ops 6 patch is big-ish, bringing a round of nerfs to some popular perks and weapons, as well as gameplay tweaks elsewhere.
Treyarch has released a sizeable new update for Black Ops 6. The update, which arrived last night on all platforms, contains a wide range of fixes that touch campaign, Zombies, but chiefly address a number of multiplayer issues.
One of the bigger changes in this one is an adjustment to stance change cooldowns, which should prevent players from being able to repeatedly go prone after standing, otherwise known as snaking.
To start things off, the patch added Nuketown to private matches, and fixed an incredibly frustrating problem that caused players to immediately spawn in upon joining a match, without getting the ability to select a loadout. Speaking of joining in progress, the patch also fixed an issue that prevented players from being able to select a loadout, forcing them to instead spawn with their most recent one.
Spawns have seen a few tweaks in this one, too, though Treyarch didn’t say anything beyond just “tuning spawn logic across several maps.” Tuning also comes to several weapons, with most of them being nerfs.
The list includes some of the top-performers, all of which are included in our best Black Ops 6 weapon builds and loadouts guide. For assault rifles, the XM4 has had its maximum and medium damage ranges cut, and the same is true for the AS VAL, and the GPR 91. Interestingly, a number of ARs, such as Goblin Mk2, Model L, the AMES 85, and the AK-74 have had entire damage segments removed. Nothing too dramatic has occurred on the SMG front, but the C9, KSV, Tanto .22, PP-919, Jackal PDW, and the Kompakt 92 all received a slight buff to their ranges

Perks also got some attention from Treyarch in this one. The ever-popular Recon Speciality has been nerfed, reducing the time enemies are highlighted after spawning to 1.5 seconds from 2 seconds. It will be cut even further before Season 1, too. Dispatcher has had its score cost for UAVs increased to 550, and 600 (up from 550) for the Counter UAV.
Speaking of Scorestreaks, both the UAV and Counter UAV now have more health, but that does not affect shooting them down with rockets, only small arms fire. The Napalm Strike’s initial explosion has had its radius increased, and the LDBR’s lengthy entry animation has been shortened. The Strategic Bomber will fly in faster, too. Finally, the Interceptors will now cost you 1150 score, rather than 1250 to call in.
The patch has even boosted XP earn rates for player, as well as weapon XP. This affects most game modes, including TDM, Control, S&D, and Gunfight. XP earn rates have been slightly reduced, however, for Face Off modes.
Head to the official blog for the full change log, and don’t forget to catch up on our Zombies guides for the Terminus easter eggs, and the Liberty Falls easter eggs.