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Cross-Blocked You'll be able to turn cross-play off on consoles in Black Ops 6 and Warzone Ranked Play sometime in Season 2
Pass My Ride Yo dawg, Call of Duty Black Ops 6's Squid Game crossover comes with a premium battle pass on top of another battle pass, so you can battle pass while you battle pass
Codmas Black Ops 6's double XP event is here to get you through the holidays with new modes and modified maps
Good Luck Call of Duty's getting a Squid Game crossover, so you've got like a month to try and teach squads who won't stop shooting each other pre-match what satire is
Easier Grind Surprise! All your double XP tokens from Modern Warfare 2&3, and Warzone are now in Black Ops 6
Ping! Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is going to battle against VPNs as Season 1 of Warzone kicks off
Omniseason Black Ops 6 Season 1 kicks off next week with new multiplayer maps, new modes, Zombies Directed Mode, and some big changes to Warzone
Algorithmic Nerf The Call of Duty community’s dumb new obsession with absolutely no base in reality? Skill-based damage
Bump In The Road Netflix just hit a new record of 300 million subscribers, so isn't it just lovely that it's raising its prices for the umpteenth time?
Drifting Away Hyper Light Breaker really shows how much the games industry has changed in a decade
Close Enough, Right? Bloodborne PC emulation is now good enough that even everyone's favourite tech nerds think it "demonstrates the direction we'd want an official remaster to move in"